Moles In Texas

The critters digging tunnels in your yard

Gophers and moles have been tunneling through yards in eastern Texas causing issues for residents. In the hunt for food, they tend to leave some damage in their wake, even causing erosion underneath the foundation of homes. The sandy nature of the soil in the eastern part of the state makes it easy for them to burrow underground. Summertime is the most active time for the nuisance animals.

There are several species of moles in the United States, but the only one found in Texas is the eastern mole. Moles are small, burrowing mammals that feed on insects. Moles destroy only a few plants or bulbs by direct feeding. The main damage is done when plant roots are dislodged as the animals tunnel through the soil in search of insects. Their burrowing can disfigure lawns and parks, destroy flower beds, tear up the roots of grasses and create havoc in small garden plots.

For information on mole removal, visit The Critter Team.

Gophers and moles pop up in yards across East Texas

You may not see them, but they’re out there.

Gophers and moles, tunneling through yards across East Texas. We’re told the better you know them the easier it is to get rid of them.

There’s a seasonal pest in East Texas, and their staging ground is in your yard. The Eastern mole and pocket gophers are tunneling this way, foraging for food. Read more

Summary: Gophers and moles have been tunneling through yards in eastern Texas causing issues for residents. In the hunt for food, they tend to leave some damage in their wake.

Managing Mole Damage

There are several species of moles in the United States, but the only one found in Texas is the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus). Moles are small, burrowing mammals that feed on insects. Moles have furless, pointed snouts, small eyes concealed in the fur, and no external ears.

Moles live in the seclusion of underground burrows, coming to the surface only rarely, and then often by accident. Learn more

Summary: There are several species of moles in the United States. The eastern mole is the only one found in the state of Texas. They can cause significant damage by burrowing underground.

Learn More Here: Moles In Texas



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